Camozzi Research Center

Open innovation to shape the industrial development of the future

Open innovation to shape the industrial development of the future

The Camozzi Research Center was born to become an advanced knowledge hub at the service of all group divisions. 

The Camozzi Group has always stood out for its innate vocation for innovation in industrial processes across all its companies' technological fields. The various divisions have thus developed an incredible wealth of knowledge, constantly cultivated and enriched in over 50 years of Camozzi history. In 2021, this heritage culminated in the Camozzi Research Center in Milan: a one-of-a-kind facility that combines Camozzi's experience and skills with Italian and international research excellence.

Working together with our divisions' various research teams and our external industrial and institutional partners, the CRC coordinates all the most advanced R&D activities to acquire the scientific and technological knowledge necessary to shape the industrial processes of the future.

3D printing, advanced materials, industrial automation, robotics, predictive maintenance and intelligent process control are just some of the fields in which the CRC is already active, with several projects carried out in collaboration with academic institutions of international standing. These include Politecnico di Milano (Polytechnic University of Milan), which has a laboratory at the CRC dedicated to future automation and industrial process control, and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT, Italian Institute of Technology), which has a multidisciplinary joint-lab active at our site in Milan.


Via R. Rubattino, 81
20134 Milano | Italy
Tel. +39 02 21711751